IR Releases

Lenenergo releases its FY2012 IFRS financial statements

In the opinion of the Company’s auditor, Ernst & Young, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all materials respects, the financial position of the Group as at 31 December 2012, and its financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

Indicator Unit 31.12.2011 31.12.2012 Δ % 31.12.2012/ 31.12.2011
Assets RUB thousand 96 951 021 99 392 607 2,52%
Total equity RUB thousand 42 535 138 43 541 677 2,37%
Liabilities, including: RUB thousand 54 415 883 55 850 930 2,64%
- non-current liabilities RUB thousand 29 381 124 25 283 559 -13,95%
- current liabilities RUB thousand 25 034 759 30 567 371 22,09%
Revenues, including: RUB thousand 32 256 795 33 134 547 2,72%
- from electricity transmission RUB thousand 22 895 281 23 520 737 2,73%
- from grid connections RUB thousand 8 629 336 7 579 648 -12,16%
- other RUB thousand 732 178 2 034 162 177,82%
Operating expenses RUB thousand (31 503 143) (30 659 230) -2,68%
Operating profit / loss RUB thousand 753 652 2 475 317 228,44%
Net profit / loss RUB thousand (943 276) 232 867 -
Earnings / loss per ordinary share RUB (0,93) 0,12 -
For reference:
EBITDA RUB thousand 5 742 546 6 778 716 18,04%
NET DEBT/EBITDA - 3,60 3,58 -
Profitability indicators
EBITDA margin, % % 17,6% 20,46% 2,86 p.p.
Net profit margin, % % -2,9% 0,7% 2,2 p.p.
Liquidity indicators

Urgent liquidity - 0,32 0,18 -
Current liquidity - 0,48 0,37 -


Revenues from electricity transmission in 2012except regulatory process losses in the amount of RUB 5,031 mln (in 2011 – RUB 5,532 mln) constituted RUB 23,521 mln, that is 3% higher than in 2011.The main volume of revenues was received from customers - JSC PSK and LLC Energy-Holding: RUB 18,997,352 thousand (2011: 19,358,904 thousand) and 3,455,843 (2011: 4,411,197 thousand), respectively, accounting for 78 % (2011: 84%) of the total revenues from the transportation of electricity before the deduction of process losses.

Revenues from technological connection in 2012 decreased by RUB 1,050 mln (12%) as compared to 2011 and totaled RUB 7,580 mln, which is caused by the decrease in the average tariff for grid connection in 2012 at the overall increase in the volume (capacity) of connections.

Other revenues in 2012 amounted to RUB 2,034 mln, up by 178% to the level of the previous year. The growth is the result of a program to identify non-contractual electricity consumption, under which illegal consumers were identified and billed, resulting in increased revenues. Since this source of revenues was not previously met in the Group's business activities, the amount is defined as "other revenues".

Prime cost

Operating expenses of the Group during the reporting period amounted to RUB 30,659 mln, which is 3% lower than the indicator of the last year.

Items of operating expenses 2011 2012 Δ % 31.12.2012/ 31.12.2011
Transmission fee 13,402812 13,380,789 -0,2%
Depreciation 4,812,663 4,216,055 -12,4%
Payroll and payroll taxes 4,111,829 4,160,787 1,2%
Impairment of property, plant and equipment 4,255,798 3,600,893 -15,4%
Repairs and maintenance 1,040,880 1,308,874 25,7%
Rent 471,637 466 933 -1,0%
Agency services 7,082 448,623 6234,7%
Telecommunication and information services 347,876 348,134 0,1%
Raw materials and supplies 261,252 307,124 17,6%
Provision for impairment and write-off of receivables 505,329 213,796 -57,7%
Taxes other than on income 178,544 212,485 19,0%
Social expenses 200,605 195,672 -2,5%
Consulting, legal and audit services 142,401 192,750 35,4%
Other operating expenses 1 764 435 1 606 315 21,3%
Total 31,503,143 30,659,230 -2,7%

Comments on the dynamics of the key operating expenses items:

  • Decrease in operating expenses for depreciation by 12.4% in 2012 was caused by the depreciation of property, plant and equipment and leased equipment due to the revaluation as at 31.12.2011.
  • Repairs and maintenance increased in 2012 by 25.7%, which was the result of implementation of an intensive repair program, designed to maintain equipment and electrical networks in good condition.
  • In 2012, a significant increase in agency services was related to the payment for consulting services to identify non-contractual electricity consumption.
  • In 2012, the Group recognized impairment of property, plant and equipment in the amount of RUB 3,601 mln, which is 15.4% less than in 2011 (RUB 4,256 mln). This is due to the fact that since July 2012 tariff rules for electricity transmission in the RAB-regulation has been changed (in particular, the rate of return on invested capital decreased from 11% to 1%). However, in 2011, the loss on impairment of property, plant and equipment was greater than in the current year – RUB 4,256 mln, which was mainly due to the introduction in 2011 of restrictions on the growth of tariffs for electricity transmission in the Russian legislation.

Financial result

Following the results of 2012, the Group of companies Lenenergo earned operating profit of RUB 2,475 mln (+228% to 2011), net profit for the reporting period amounted to RUB 233 mln (in 2011, the Group received net loss).

An overall increase in revenues and decrease in operating expense contributed to the formation of net profit of the Group in 2012. Net profit for 2012 was significantly affected by the growth of financial expenses compared with 2011, which in turn is due to an increase in interest expenses associated with building-up of the loan portfolio, and total depreciation of Lenenergo’s stake in JSC SZEUK.

EBITDA for 2012 amounted to RUB 6,779 mln, which is 18% higher than in 2011.

Revaluation of property, plant and equipment

Revaluation of property, plant and equipment at fair value as of December 31, 2012:

Production premises Power lines Equipment, power equipment substations Other Assets under construction Total
Initial cost (2 072 226) (16 011 771) (3 372 415) 73 495 1 271 719 (20 111 198)
Accumulated depreciation 1 430 606 9 783 862 2 705 487 6 890 - 13 926 845
Total: (6 184 353)
Recognized as a loss in F2 (3 600 893)
Recognized in equity as revaluation reserve decrease (2 583 460)

For reference:

The structure of the Group of companies Lenenergo

Dynamics of the key IFRS indicators of Lenenergo for the 5 recent years:

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Revenues, including: 17 914 22 800 28 574 32 257 33 135
- from electricity transmission 11 690 15 416 17 692 22 895 23 521
- from grid connections 5 671 6 638 10 300 8 629 7 580
- other 553 746 582 732 2 034
Operating expenses 14 608 18 489 21 441 31 503 30 659
Net profit 1 838 2 587 4 750 -943 233
Net profit margin 10,26% 11,35% 16,63% -2,92% 0,70%
EBITDA 3 908 8 185 11 611 5 681 6 779
EBITDA margin 21,8% 35,9% 40,6% 17,6% 20,46%
Net debt 10 884 13 736 15 038 20 469 24 277
Net debt/EBITDA 2,78 1,68 1,30 3,60 3,58

Dynamics of the key indicators of the consolidated statement of financial position for the 5 recent years:

Indicator 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Long-term assets 73 023 78 962 87 010 84 958 88 157
Cash and cash equivalents 2 499 2 949 653 7 109 3 514
Short-term assets 10 331 9 363 6 372 11 993 11 236
Assets 83 355 88 325 93 382 96 951 99 393
Long-term borrowings 12 946 10 074 14 125 21 028 20 637
Non-current liabilities 24 496 16 926 21 924 29 381 25 284
Short-term borrowings 436 6 611 1 566 6 356 7 153
Current liabilities 15 618 25 565 21 497 25 035 30 567
Liabilities 40 114 42 492 43 421 54 416 55 851
Equity 43 241 45 834 49 961 42 535 43 542

Dynamics of the key indicators of the consolidated income statement for the 5 recent years:

Indicator 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Revenues 17 914 22 800 28 574 32 257 33 135
Operating expenses -14 608 -18 489 -21 441 -31 503 -30 659
Operating profit 3 306 4 311 7 133 754 2 475
Finance income 2 292 78 774 61 302
Finance expenses -1 372 -2 084 -1 580 -1 660 -2 175
Other non-operating income (expenses) -1 178 -173 -70 - -
Profit before tax 3 048 2 132 6 257 -845 602
Income tax expense -1 210 455 -1 507 -99 -370
Net profit / loss 1 838 2 587 4 750 -943 233

Financial statements for 2012, prepared in accordance with IFRS, as well as publications for investors are available on the website of Lenenergo in the section "Investor relations" (